Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Healthy Food Habits For Healthy Body

I often listen to my grandmother saying “What you eat now will help in your old age”, I realized it’s actually true. We spend a han’some amount of money on gyms and diets, but we cannot focus on the fact that we can even get better by following a simple rule. This simple rule is making our breakfast essential anyhow. In our daily busy lives we often skip breakfasts or we have less nutrient breakfast. To keep ourself healthy for life long we should just follow three simple rules:

Fix time for meal:

Yes, fix your time for your meal. Now we make execuses that we have no time for meals etc. but we cannot make excuses to ourself, our health, our stomach. We should not confuse our body by eating at different times. The things we eat in night is more beneficial if we eat it in morning. Skipping meals and obnoxious eating timings is sinful. Following this may lead to many health benefits, including weight control and improved performances.

Eat variety:

As colors add charm to life they sure do to your body. Try eating different colored fruits and vegetables as much as possible. Each one have unique nutrient content. And you need not to worry whether you are eating right or not. They surely have some nutrient, vitamin, fibre etc. Anything essential for your body.

Make breakfast essential:

Studies shows a person having breakfast have more nutritionally complete diet, have rich diet in terms of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. They have more Improved concentration and performance, more strength and endurance to engage in physical activity. And moreover have lower cholesterol levels. Eating breakfast is essential for everyone. Skipping your breakfast is worst decision for the day.

And as my grandma says if you keep doing the same on a regular basis, you might have to face its consequences once you cross your 40s. You body does not receive any nutrients post the previous night’s dinner. Follow these simple rules to be healthy for a life long.

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