Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ways to Detoxify Your Body

Do you often feel lethargic? Or out of sync? Do you have skin problems, aches and pains, or any digestive problems very often? Are you straying from your healthier habits lately? Do you have trouble in losing your weight? It might be time for a body detox.

This technique is being proficient for hundreds of years by several cultures all around the world — together with ayurvedic and Chinese drugs systems — in detoxification we help our body for resting, cleaning and nourishing from inside. By removing and eliminating toxins from our body, and then feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying helps protect you from disease and renew your ability to take care of optimum health.

How detoxification works?

Basically, detoxification means to clean the blood. It is done by removing impurities from the blood within the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body conjointly eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and skin. However, when this technique is compromised, impurities are not properly filtered and each cell within the body is adversely affected.

How detoxification can help the body's natural cleaning process :

1) By fasting for the rest for the organs
2) By stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body
3) By promoting abolition the toxins through the intestines, kidneys and skin
4) By improving circulation of the blood
5) By refueling the body with healthy nutrients.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What is an Out of Body Experience? The Benefits of Astral Travel

What is an out of body experience? It’s not an uncommon phenomenon; in fact one in ten people claim to have had an out of body experience at some point in their lives. Most often, people report out of body travel occurring spontaneously in connection with near death experiences, but in actuality, it’s possible to have a controlled out of body experience as well. Known as astral projection, controlled out of body experiences occur when a person intentionally leaves their body and embarks on a spiritual journey.

How does it work? You see, your body and your spirit are two separate things. Your body is the vessel which houses your spirit, but your spirit can exist independently of your body. When you have an out of body experience, you disconnect yourself from the physical realm and enter the astral realm, a place where only spiritual entities exist.

In the spiritual realm you can experience existence as a spirit. Basically, you can move freely, without the restrictions of the physical world. There is no gravitational force to hold you down, no sense of time to break up what you experience, and no physical sensations. You can’t feel pain, hot, cold, or fatigue. As a spirit you can explore the world and still have energy to spare! 

Moreover, the spiritual realm is full of other entities which you should be interested in meeting. Some of these spirits are the souls of people that have passed away, others are astral travelers like you, and still others are otherworldly entities who can teach you about the nature of the universe. In the astral realm you can meet historical figures and learn from them. You can also connect with loved ones of yours who have passed away. 

Removing yourself from your physical existence can also help you to deepen your sense of spirituality. Traditionally, monks, priests, and prophets used this method to access enlightenment. The extraordinary visions that these types of people have had throughout history can attest to the powerful potential inherent to having an out of body experience. The spiritual realm is a place where you can feel a connection to the divine, and you can relieve suffering, and come to know the nature of the universe.  

If you’re wondering, what is an out of body experience, you need to take the time to find out more about what you can gain from teaching yourself to exit your body. As a human being on a quest for spiritual knowledge, astral projection is your ticket to a state of heightened self-awareness and even transcendence. As a spiritual traveler you stand to expand your horizons and experience a whole new realm of existence, where you can remove yourself from your physical body, meet interesting spirits, and gain spiritual knowledge. Try it today!

Monday, June 18, 2012

What Is Psoriasis and What Do You Do About It?

Psoriasis can be debilitating for those that have it. 

What can you do to keep the breakouts at a minimum and keep the outward symptoms in check and your skin looking healthy?  For all of us that have psoriasis, this is our main objective everyday.  We just want to live a normal life.

Psoriasis is a skin disorder that affects about 3% of the worlds’ population that is about 7.5 million Americans.  There are 5 types of psoriasis, the most common (85%) being plaque psoriasis.  Plaque psoriasis is actually an autoimmune disease, not a skin disorder like most people think.  Your body for what ever reason (no one knows) cannot get rid of the toxins that are in the body.  The liver and kidneys just can’t get rid of all the waste and it shows up in the skin.

Plaque psoriasis starts out with raised, small, red blotches on the surface of the skin.  The most common areas of outbreaks on the body are on the joints like the elbows, knees, lower back and torso.  You can and usually do get scalp psoriasis when you do contract plaque psoriasis.  Psoriasis is itchy, inflamed and it forms scales over the inflammation areas.  The reason this happens is because you skin cells are reproducing at rate of 10 times their normal rate. 

This is the part that makes sufferers so self-conscious about themselves; the silvery, scales that form on the outbreak areas of the body.   When you are having an outbreak or you have it constantly on your body, you do not want to wear shorts, tank tops, short sleeves, and God forbid a bathing suit out in public to be starred at by everyone around you.  Being stuck in long pants, long sleeve or even your house because of this disorder is very stressful and really does not help your situation.  Stress is one of the big causes of this disorder.

So what do we do about this disorder?

I would suggest you keep a log or a journal of when you have breakouts and keep track of your eating habits, sunburns, a big party with alcohol consumption, trauma to your skin (scratching skin doing weeding, scratch, cut etc.) or stressful events in your life.  This will help you narrow down what causes you outbreaks and help you stay away from them.

Let’s look at the “Do Not’s” first:

1.    Alcohol is really no good for your system.  There are a lot of toxins in alcohol and it is very hard for your liver to process it.  Remember this is an autoimmune disorder.  If you are going to drink then do it on special occasion and not on a regular basis. 
2.    Smoking is bad for you on many levels but your body trying to clean itself with all the chemicals that smoking puts into it is really defeating any attempt to heal yourself.
3.    Stress is also a big cause of outbreaks and reason you do not clear up.  Build borders and boundaries for yourself to live a happy peaceful existence. Learn to meditate, get a hobby or play an instrument.

Here are some things “To Do”:

1.    Keep your stress levels down.
2.    Exercise on a regular basis.
3.    Take natural supplements especially: Vitamin D, Zinc and Omega 3 fish oil.  All are very good for the skin.
4.    Eat natural organic food and if you cannot get this wash off all of your fruits and vegetables to get of all herbicides and pesticides that might still be present.  Fruits and green vegetables are the best for your condition.  Cold water fish and whole grains should be in your diet.  Also drink a lot of water.  Keeping you body hydrated is very important.
5.    Right after bathing or soaking in Sea Salts, moisturize your skin.  You can use body lotions (low perfume and scents) for the whole body, OTC psoriasis treatments or natural psoriasis treatments, (we can discuss later).  It is very important to moisturize, keep your body and the psoriasis areas hydrated is crucial to the healing process.

This is just a short introduction to psoriasis and a place to get started on the right track to good health for you. There is so much more to discuss and different views of what work and what doesn’t work.  Remember what works for one person might not work for another.  Also, what worked for you yesterday may stop working for you tomorrow.  There is no known cure for this disorder and an ongoing journey for those of us with psoriasis.

Chris Shaefer, is a freelance writer, researcher and a 20 + year psoriasis sufferer.  For more information on psoriasis treatments please visit:

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How To Make Sure You Don’t Ditch The Diet On Holiday

If you’ve ever struggled to do up your plane seat belt after a particularly wonderful holiday, you will know the peculiar feeling of revulsion, worry and frustration that accompanies your fruitless yanking. Especially if you’ve dieted for months before to ensure you look your best...

However, it doesn’t have to be this way, ladies and gents. If you’ve got a dollop of self-control and an ounce of discipline, you can still have a great time on holiday without undoing all your hard work. Firstly, there are plenty of opportunities to take a holiday that allows you to get as active as possible. British holiday parks offer you the chance to roam around the UK’s beaches, explore pretty coastal beaches, get active with your family, and avoid sitting on your backside drinking sickly cocktails all day. Not only will you tone up after spending a day swimming, throwing a frisbee around, or hiking along some breathtaking coastal walks, but you’ll also tire yourself out enough to ensure you sleep well. Everyone’s a winner.

Secondly, if you are heading somewhere with warmer climes, why not take a look at what’s available at your hotel, or complex? Plenty of hotels have gyms, as well as swimming pools. Many also boast tennis courts. If you want to really enjoy your evening meal all night with no guilt, it’s worth burning off some calories during the day. Also, don’t snack! If you fancy something substantial at lunchtime, fine - but don’t binge on ice creams, chips, and other sweet snacks. A good rule of thumb is to have a big drink of water, then re-evaluate your hunger. Sometimes, the body confuses hunger with thirst, which can lead to overeating.

Everyone loves a drink. Well, nearly everyone. Either way, it’s a very popular activity. However, booze is effectively liquid fat, so try to limit your intake if you want to save your figure. If you must overindulge in the evening, avoid cocktails or anything with a high sugar content. Drink a glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you drink, and don’t do shots - you run the risk of becoming more inebriated that you want to (foreign drinks are normally much stronger than UK ones), plus, your waistline won’t thank you.

If you’re on a boozy girls’ or lads’ holiday, you’re probably worried about looking like a bit of a killjoy by refusing drinks or not having a dessert every night. The truth is, people are probably more concerned with making sure that they’re having as much fun as possible, so your lack of drunkenness probably won’t filter through to them. If anyone does pick up on your good behaviour, don’t be shamed into spoiling your resolutions by giving in to temptation! Remember, you want to walk off the plane in the UK feeling refreshed and ready to go, not bloated and sick.

If we’ve told you once, we’ve told you again - exercise! To shift stubborn pounds, make yourself take a 15 minute swim every hour that you’re by the pool for. It’ll also stop you getting burned and encourage you to reapply more sun tan lotion, which is never a bad thing.

Finally, late-night snacking, even after a relatively-sober night, can add more calories than you’d like. If your family/friends/other half drags you to a kebab shop, opt for a wholemeal pitta with heaps of salad and hummus. If you’re feeling particularly naughty, a bit of halloumi doesn’t go amiss, but steer clear of mayo, dressings, and any kind of meat that looks like it’s floundering in grease.