Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What is an Out of Body Experience? The Benefits of Astral Travel

What is an out of body experience? It’s not an uncommon phenomenon; in fact one in ten people claim to have had an out of body experience at some point in their lives. Most often, people report out of body travel occurring spontaneously in connection with near death experiences, but in actuality, it’s possible to have a controlled out of body experience as well. Known as astral projection, controlled out of body experiences occur when a person intentionally leaves their body and embarks on a spiritual journey.

How does it work? You see, your body and your spirit are two separate things. Your body is the vessel which houses your spirit, but your spirit can exist independently of your body. When you have an out of body experience, you disconnect yourself from the physical realm and enter the astral realm, a place where only spiritual entities exist.

In the spiritual realm you can experience existence as a spirit. Basically, you can move freely, without the restrictions of the physical world. There is no gravitational force to hold you down, no sense of time to break up what you experience, and no physical sensations. You can’t feel pain, hot, cold, or fatigue. As a spirit you can explore the world and still have energy to spare! 

Moreover, the spiritual realm is full of other entities which you should be interested in meeting. Some of these spirits are the souls of people that have passed away, others are astral travelers like you, and still others are otherworldly entities who can teach you about the nature of the universe. In the astral realm you can meet historical figures and learn from them. You can also connect with loved ones of yours who have passed away. 

Removing yourself from your physical existence can also help you to deepen your sense of spirituality. Traditionally, monks, priests, and prophets used this method to access enlightenment. The extraordinary visions that these types of people have had throughout history can attest to the powerful potential inherent to having an out of body experience. The spiritual realm is a place where you can feel a connection to the divine, and you can relieve suffering, and come to know the nature of the universe.  

If you’re wondering, what is an out of body experience, you need to take the time to find out more about what you can gain from teaching yourself to exit your body. As a human being on a quest for spiritual knowledge, astral projection is your ticket to a state of heightened self-awareness and even transcendence. As a spiritual traveler you stand to expand your horizons and experience a whole new realm of existence, where you can remove yourself from your physical body, meet interesting spirits, and gain spiritual knowledge. Try it today!

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