Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Living a Healthier Lifestyle

There are plenty of ways to increase your life expectancy without relying on advances in medical science. People nowadays are living far longer on average than at any other point in history. However, modern lives involve many external factors that can cause illness and debilitating conditions, so it's important to take care of yourself to ensure that you remain fit and healthy well into old age. It's all too tempting to constantly eat junk food or sit down all day in front of a screen, so here are some tips to help maximise your life expectancy without relying on the medical profession.

Food, Drink and Other Substances
What you eat can have a profound effect on your overall wellbeing. If you live on a diet of takeaways and junk food it could take years off your life. Foods such as this can lead to a whole range of health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and strokes so it makes sense to treat your body right. Low-fat foods which are high in vitamins and minerals are easy to prepare and taste delicious. In fact, it can often be quicker to prepare something from scratch yourself than to heat up a pre-prepared ready meal or wait for that takeaway to arrive. Make sure you control your portion sizes and remember that the more you enjoy your food, the more it will benefit your body.

It's not just what you eat. Smoking and taking illegal drugs are absolute no-nos if you wish to live a long and healthy life. Drinking should be done only in moderation, so watch your intake of units and remember that binge drinking is far worse for you than having an occasional glass of wine a couple of times a week. If you apply for health insurance quotes, you will find that many insurers will raise their premiums for smokers and heavy drinkers as these activities have such a profound effect on your life expectancy.

Get Active
One of the best ways to increase your life expectancy is to be active every day. Adults should do at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day and children should do an hour a day to help prevent them becoming obese. You don't have to go down to the gym five times a week to be active. Take a walk to the park, play a game of tennis or go swimming with the kids. These are all great ways of getting exercise and having fun as well. Spend as much time as you can out in the fresh air - walk to work rather than driving or at least get off the bus a stop earlier and walk the rest of the way. While being outside is great for your health, try not to spend too much time in the sun to minimise your risk of getting skin cancer.

Be Happy
Happiness is one of the greatest ways to increase your life expectancy. Make time for your friends and family, even if they live a long way away. Being part of a good social network is very important to manage your stress levels and improve your health. Take some time for yourself as well. If you have a hobby you enjoy doing then make sure you get a chance to indulge yourself. It's not selfish to spend time doing the things you love. It's actually one of the best ways to reduce stress and increase your satisfaction with your life. Live well, keep smiling and you will be healthy and happy for longer.

Zoe is an ardent health blogger and experienced freelance writer from the UK, who loves to share her knowledge on health through content on the internet. Tweet your thoughts on this article to @bloggingstyle.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mind Power Techniques to Succeed in Life

Have you ever looked at someone and wondered what their secret was? Maybe they are hugely successful at work, or seem to have the perfect loving relationship with their spouse. They may drive a great car or frequently give to charity. They might walk as if they don’t have a care in the world, and seem happy no matter what ill may befall them. We have all known people like this and quietly wondered what their secret was. Were they born lucky? Are they just naturally happy? While it may seem that everything they touch or deal with turns out for the best, they most likely know and practice something called mind power techniques. If you take the time to learn, you can also have everything you desire from a happy home life to a great career to financial success and more, if you are willing to take the time to practice.

There are several different types of mind power techniques one can use to improve any area of life. Some of these are meditation, self-hypnosis, the power of positive thought, the law of attraction, and visualization techniques. Although some of these are faster to learn than others, they are all positive ways in which a person can aid their quest in being successful.

Meditation and self-hypnosis take the longest time to learn, but on average a person can teach themselves in a matter of several weeks. A person can learn how to meditate by taking a class or looking for aids online. There are also guided CDs for purchase. Once a person learns to meditate, the meditation sessions can be focused on improving any aspect of life. Meditation is good for focusing on specific things in life, healing the body, and eliminating stress.

Self-hypnosis can also take time to learn, but is easier for a person who is familiar with meditation. The same altered mental state is used for both, but the difference lies in the positive affirmations used during self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis works because when the mind is at rest and alert it is more open to suggestions it receives. Self-hypnosis is a great tool for anyone looking to lose weight, increase self esteem, stop smoking, overcome anxieties, and any number of other issues.

While both meditation and self-hypnosis take time and practice, the other forms of mind power techniques don’t take as much time, but do require more frequency. They can be just as powerful if done correctly and often. The first, the power of positive thought, is just as it sounds. It involves changing your mindset to avoid any negative thoughts and looking at the positive. For many, if they are experiencing something negative in life they tend to dwell on it and not look at any positives that may be coming out of the situation. Using the power of positive thought can be as simple as looking at the bright side and being thankful for what you already have. A person can also use inspirational quotes that speak directly to an individual’s situation. These can be found online or in books from a local library. The key to making this work is to make yourself constantly aware of your thoughts. You can leave sticky notes or reminders anywhere around you to help you remember.

The law of attraction is the idea that whatever thoughts and words you put into the universe will come back at you. For example, if you repeatedly say you are unhappy, then you will be unhappy and nothing will change. If you speak positively about yourself and things in your life, you will gradually notice that good things will happen to you. It is almost like a self fulfilling prophecy. Tell yourself that you are happy and you will begin to be happy.

Visualization techniques can be used for any area of life and work great. The idea is to visualize yourself as you would like to be. If you want to see yourself getting a promotion at work you could visualize yourself in a power suit, speaking clearly and unabashedly in front of co-workers. Practice seeing yourself standing tall and clearly playing the part. Don’t just do this briefly; take the time to truly think about what it feels like to be the person you want to be.

For all of these techniques it is important not only to do them, but to put into action any necessary steps you may need to take. Take the time to really do what you need to do, and use one or more of these methods. Gradually you will see change and begin to feel the difference. Eventually, you may even have other people ask you what your secret is.
Learn more about how to use daily affirmations to improve your life

Monday, March 26, 2012

Unique Ways to Treat Depression

Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in the industrialized world today. It is estimated that between 13 and 14 million Americans older than 18 will experience depression each year. Sadly, only about 20 percent of these individuals receive adequate treatment. If you're depressed and none of the common treatments seem to be helping, don't lose hope. There are plenty of unique ways to treat your depression that you probably haven't thought of!

Stop the Hypoglycemia Cycle

Americans consume an alarming amount of sugar, which can be found in even the most seemingly harmless foods. Eating large amounts of this unhealthy substance wreaks havoc on your blood glucose levels. First, it raises glucose very sharply. A few hours later, you body burns through the sugar and your glucose is sent plummeting. This condition is known as hypoglycemia. Your body responds to this by causing the following symptoms:
• Extreme hunger
• Cravings for sweets
• Dizziness
• Irritability, aggression, rage rage violent ourbursts
• Shakiness
• Extreme fatigue

Last but certainly not least, uncontrolled hypoglycemia can result in depression. Many people find that totally removing all refined sugars and white flours from their diet chases the dark clouds away. If you can't bring yourself to part with these foods completely, be sure you at least eat a protein-rich meal first. This can prevent the spike and subsequent drop in blood glucose, thus preventing hypoglycemia.


Exercise hasn't always been commonly recognized as being a depression remedy, but it has been gaining some headway recently. Physical activity, especially if it is short and intense, raises the levels of two key factors in your mood: Hormones and neurotransmitters. Testosterone is one of the hormones released and is known to elevate mood and increase energy. Dopamine, one of the neurotransmitters, plays a huge role in feelings of pleasure, happiness and contentment. These two things also work to fight stress and accelerate weight loss, both of which are major causes of depression.

Get Outside More

There is nothing like spending time in the fresh air and sunshine to raise one's spirits. It has long been believed that when someone felt out of sorts, a little time spent outside would fix them right up. Although it sounds like another old wives tale, it turns out there is actually a scientific basis to this idea. Sunshine is nature's antidepressant. When your skin is exposed to it for a while, your body will create vitamin D.

This vitamin, which is painfully lacking in modern diets, is among the most important for a variety of reasons. Not only does it promote healthy brain and heart function and allow the body to utilize calcium, it also enhances mood. Numerous neurotransmitters and hormones are made from vitamin D, so a deficiency can lead to chronic depression.

Good Nutrition

The human diet has become warped over the last century and continues to get worse. All the while, disease rates continue to climb to unprecedented heights. Depression is one of these and is known to be caused by multiple nutrient deficiencies. As a rule, a wholesome diet should be free of processed foods. Everything your body needs is contained in simple, fresh foods such as meat, fruit and vegetables. If you make these changes, you'll be surprised at the difference in how you feel both physically and mentally.

Adopt a Houseplant

Houseplants make wonderful companions and there are varieties that will suit even the brownest of thumbs. Like any living thing, plants require consistent care and attention in order to thrive. Houseplants are more than just immobile pets, though. An interesting study done in the 1970s concluded that people who had something to care for, a houseplant in this case, tended to be much happier and also enjoyed improved longevity and decreased stress.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

De-bunking Diabetes Myths

Have you ever heard a rumor that was so ridiculous you wonder how it started? I’ve heard several of these relating to different medical condition, including diabetes, and have wondered what people were thinking when they started it. As the philanthropy and outreach coordinator of, I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to our customers who have diabetes, and they have shared a few outrageous myths they’ve heard with me. Below are three of the most ridiculous ones I’ve heard:

1. Patients with diabetes should avoid exercise- This is untrue, but do meet with your doctor to determine what intensity level you should start at.

2. Diabetics are more likely to catch a cold or the flu- While patients with diabetes should take extra precautions to prevent the flu or cold, they aren’t more likely to catch either. Managing both diseases is very difficult with diabetes, so it’s highly recommended that diabetics receive a flu shot.

3. Patients with diabetes need diabetic socks- Even though I work for which sells diabetic socks, I can tell you this isn’t true. Those that have neuropathy (which can accompany diabetes) could benefit from the extra cushioning and seamless toes that characterize diabetic socks. However, they certainly aren’t a necessity for patients with diabetes.

Myths like this are ridiculous and my team hopes to help de-bunk them. As a first step, we created this info graphic to spread the truth behind diabetes:
Diabetes Facts Infographic

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Benefits of Probiotics

Many people today suffer from digestive problems such as chronic constipation or diarrhea, excessive bloating and gas, abdominal cramping and many other intestinal disorders. Some people have found a simple remedy for these disorders known as probiotics. Many studies have been conducted on probiotics and results are beginning to show that these microorganisms not only promote a healthy digestive system, but also may be effective at treating intestinal disorders that conventional medicine often cannot.

Why We Need Probiotics

Probiotics are friendly bacteria that live in the intestinal tract, which help to keep it functioning properly. Due to changes in modern society, probiotics are being depleted in the digestive tract, causing the above-mentioned problems as well as other disorders. Healthy ratios of friendly and unfriendly bacteria should be around 70% good bacteria to 30% bad bacteria. Medical researchers now believe that these ratios have completely reversed in many people. This is due to:

* Processed foods, chemical additives, unhealthy diet

* Pesticides and fertilizers that are added to the soil

* Medication use such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory

* Chlorine that is added to the water supply, destroying good bacteria

* Fluoride in water supply that destroys good bacteria

* Medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation

* Antibiotic use in farm raised animals

* The use of alcoholic beverages

Maintaining Healthy Digestion

Probiotics are essential for a healthy digestive system. The functions they provide are numerous and important because they have a direct link in breaking down foods and making sure they are absorbed properly. Without them, vital nutrients are reduced in absorption, which can result in many health problems. The many ways that probiotics help to maintain a healthy digestive system include:

* Keeping the intestinal tract clean and purified of waste matter

* Destroying harmful bacteria such as fungi, yeast and viruses.

* Breaking down hydrocarbons for better cell growth and development

* Producing enzymes necessary for breaking down foods

* Helping the body to absorb vitamins, fatty acids, calcium and lactase

* Strengthening the immune system

* Regulating bowel movements, eliminating constipation and diarrhea

* Producing antigens, which help the immune system fight off disease

* Promoting an acidic environment, slowing the growth of harmful bacteria.

* Works with organ and tissue cells for proper metabolism of proteins

* Produces large quantities of anti-bodies for protection and fighting of infection

* Increases the production of Lactoferrin , which is essential for proper iron absorption

Helps To Treat Intestinal Disorders and Diseases

Although more research is needed, many doctors are now using probiotics to treat a variety of intestinal disorders that have been unsuccessfully treated with traditional medications. These conditions include:

* Irritable bowel syndrome

* Infection-causing diarrhea

* Digestive disturbances such as indigestion

* Crohn’s disease

* Ulcerative colitis

* Lactose intolerance

Additional Benefits of Probiotics

Probiotics cannot only provide optimum health of the digestive system, but also has been shown to successfully treat and prevent common disorders. These include:

* Bacterial vaginosis

* Urinary tract infections

* Destroys parasites and viruses

* Lowers Cholesterol

* Prevents Colon Cancer

* Helps reduce acne and skin problems

* Prevents fungal and yeast infections

* Stimulates the production of alpha-interferon, necessary for proper immune response.

* Eliminates body odor and bad breath by eliminating toxins from the body.

* Reduces inflammation

* Lowers blood pressure

Good Sources of Probiotics

Probiotics are available in a variety of foods as well as supplements. Certain yogurts contain probiotics, which many people have started eating regularly for good digestion and elimination benefits. Others who do not care for the taste of yogurt prefer to take supplements. Although certain foods such as bananas offer some probiotics, it is unsure as to how much should be consumed to provide the important benefits that these friendly bacteria have to offer.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Even a few minutes of yoga per day can change your life

Doing yoga isn't something that has to be taken super-seriously. After all, the holistic mind-body regimen is intended to be fun, in addition to being calming and healing. That said, it's important to recognize that yoga is a legitimate method for improving well-being, one that millions of Americans are trying every year.

Consider the numbers. According to a survey conducted by the Yoga Journal, 15.8 million adults already practice yoga. If you think that's a lot, then listen to this: another 18.3 million respondents said they were very or extremely interested in the soothing practice.

That's roughly one in 10 Americans who are into yoga as an exercise, a stress-relief mechanism or a way of life.

It's little wonder the figures are so high. After all, health experts are recommending yoga, tai chi and meditation more than ever before. A report appearing in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine found that 3 percent of Americans, or around 6.7 million people, have tried mind-body therapies like these based on the recommendation of a healthcare professional.

So how can you make yoga work for you? It depends on your lifestyle, physical health and interest in holistic wellness. But hey, if you've read this far, you're probably ready for some advice on using yoga-based exercises to your advantage.

Here are some tips:

1. Sign up for a class. Though plenty of videos and instruction manuals can be found online, it's best for beginners to try yoga at a local community center. Most major cities have Yoga studios and other popular venues where basic classes are always offered. Remember, yoga is all about reconnecting - with yourself, your peers and the world around you - so try stretching and meditating in a group. You'll be surprised how much the motivation of your peers can energize you!

2. Stick to simplicity. Some yoga regimens, especially those that are aerobic or high-intensity, make use of all sorts of ropes, mats, balls, trapezes (no joke, look up "antigravity yoga") and other equipment. These regimens are missing the point of the system, which is to, as Thoreau would say, "simplify, simplify." Try hewing to Yoga or any program that requires nothing more than a loose-fitted outfit and a smile.

3. Do yoga in many small sessions. Rather than doing yoga twice a week for three hours at a time, it is better to take it in bite-sized sessions. Consider doing yoga for 15 minutes twice a day every day.

4. Enjoy! Yoga is made to please you, so smile, throw your shoulders back, lift up your chin and let the healing begin

Dahn Yoga is one of the largest yoga and tai chi companies in the world with its own unique style and brand of yoga. Dahn Yoga is rooted in the rich history of an ancient Asian mind-body practice, Sun Do, and in the wisdom of the Chun Bu Kyung.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Parenting Tips - How to Instill Good Eating Habits

Good eating habits should be instilled at an early age. The sooner a baby learns, the better. Good eating habits can be created as early as the child’s first year. Naturally, the specifics will change as the baby becomes older and starts demanding diversity.

Many parents wonder how to instill good eating habits in their children and when is it most appropriate to begin.

The sooner eating habits are created, the better. Otherwise parents risk spoiling their babies and experiencing serious feeding difficulties later on.

Habits can be created towards the approach of the baby’s first birthday. This is when basics can be thought. As the child grows older, feeding will be more fun and more diversified. Thus, an early start is advisable.

Good Feeding Habits at the Age of 12 Months

This is the age when toddlers start making walking attempts. The child has so much to explore and discover that eating turn to be something boring. At this age, toddlers are prone to losing interest in food.

To feed a toddler at this age, it is important to get something that will divert the child’s attention away from food. A large colorful picture is one such item.

A child that is learning how to walk needs energy. A year-old toddler gets tired quickly. Eating five or six times per day is mandatory. To make it easier, have small meals prepared for the child. In case the toddler demands more food, you can add some. Too much food might look intimidating, forcing the toddler to refuse eating.

Refrain from giving the toddler biscuits, juices and other types of snacks that can be consumed in motion. Make food more nutritious rather than adding such inappropriate quick meals.

Let the toddler decide how much food is enough. Refrain from forcing the child to eat. It might be a good idea to get the toddler used to eating together with other family members. This is how children will get acquainted with the social etiquette of family meals.

Good Feeding Habits at the Age of 18 Months

At the age of 18 months, your baby will need smaller amounts of food than during the first year. The growth process will slow down, making the calorie need smaller.

This is the age at which the child could become very capricious in terms of eating. Never force the toddler to finish up the entire meal.

A child at this age can eat nearly the same things as other family members. Make the portions smaller and refrain from adding spices. Toddlers might select a favorite food, demanding to eat solely that for the weeks to come.

Refrain from using food as a type of award. It should be a routine rather than something that the toddler does to please you.

Limit the intake of juices, since these contain too much sugar. Give the child water and milk instead.

Let the toddler attempt eating alone. Naturally, this will result in mess but you will be giving your child a chance to learn how to be independent. Give the toddler some freedom but do not tolerate games and artistic attempts involving food. If the child is playing or throwing food around, it is no longer hungry.

Good Feeding Habits for Two-Year Old Children

Two-year olds might be very picky in terms of food.

As the child grows, it will be observing you and trying to mimic your behavior and actions. You can serve as an example in terms of instilling good eating habits and rooting out the bad ones.

Growth slows down even more at the age of 2. This means your child will need less food than you think. The child may begin demanding specific types of food served at certain hours. Do not yield in to such demands. Asking your child about specific food preferences will only make it more difficult for you.

A two-year old should already be used to eating at the table with other family members. Letting the child eat during playtime or while it is watching TV will encourage poor eating habits later on in life.

Jamie Highland writes about various family and baby topics. For more info or to check out the bib baby shower theme or some baby shower gifts, visit My Baby Shower Favors. If you want more articles, visit our site and click on the Contact Us link.

Sources of information:, How to Instill Healthy Habits

National Consumer’s League, Form Good Eating Habits Early

Note: You can reprint this article in your ezine, blog, or website as long as the credits remain intact and hyperlinks remain active and dofollow.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Healthy Habits For Healthy Life

Health is Wealth. If health is affected everything is affected. We have to stick on healthy diets to keep ourself healthy. We often find ourself in vicious circle of junk food. We eat what our tongue likes not what our body needs. So, in order to stay healthy for long we have to follow some easy healthy diet tips: