Monday, March 26, 2012

Unique Ways to Treat Depression

Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in the industrialized world today. It is estimated that between 13 and 14 million Americans older than 18 will experience depression each year. Sadly, only about 20 percent of these individuals receive adequate treatment. If you're depressed and none of the common treatments seem to be helping, don't lose hope. There are plenty of unique ways to treat your depression that you probably haven't thought of!

Stop the Hypoglycemia Cycle

Americans consume an alarming amount of sugar, which can be found in even the most seemingly harmless foods. Eating large amounts of this unhealthy substance wreaks havoc on your blood glucose levels. First, it raises glucose very sharply. A few hours later, you body burns through the sugar and your glucose is sent plummeting. This condition is known as hypoglycemia. Your body responds to this by causing the following symptoms:
• Extreme hunger
• Cravings for sweets
• Dizziness
• Irritability, aggression, rage rage violent ourbursts
• Shakiness
• Extreme fatigue

Last but certainly not least, uncontrolled hypoglycemia can result in depression. Many people find that totally removing all refined sugars and white flours from their diet chases the dark clouds away. If you can't bring yourself to part with these foods completely, be sure you at least eat a protein-rich meal first. This can prevent the spike and subsequent drop in blood glucose, thus preventing hypoglycemia.


Exercise hasn't always been commonly recognized as being a depression remedy, but it has been gaining some headway recently. Physical activity, especially if it is short and intense, raises the levels of two key factors in your mood: Hormones and neurotransmitters. Testosterone is one of the hormones released and is known to elevate mood and increase energy. Dopamine, one of the neurotransmitters, plays a huge role in feelings of pleasure, happiness and contentment. These two things also work to fight stress and accelerate weight loss, both of which are major causes of depression.

Get Outside More

There is nothing like spending time in the fresh air and sunshine to raise one's spirits. It has long been believed that when someone felt out of sorts, a little time spent outside would fix them right up. Although it sounds like another old wives tale, it turns out there is actually a scientific basis to this idea. Sunshine is nature's antidepressant. When your skin is exposed to it for a while, your body will create vitamin D.

This vitamin, which is painfully lacking in modern diets, is among the most important for a variety of reasons. Not only does it promote healthy brain and heart function and allow the body to utilize calcium, it also enhances mood. Numerous neurotransmitters and hormones are made from vitamin D, so a deficiency can lead to chronic depression.

Good Nutrition

The human diet has become warped over the last century and continues to get worse. All the while, disease rates continue to climb to unprecedented heights. Depression is one of these and is known to be caused by multiple nutrient deficiencies. As a rule, a wholesome diet should be free of processed foods. Everything your body needs is contained in simple, fresh foods such as meat, fruit and vegetables. If you make these changes, you'll be surprised at the difference in how you feel both physically and mentally.

Adopt a Houseplant

Houseplants make wonderful companions and there are varieties that will suit even the brownest of thumbs. Like any living thing, plants require consistent care and attention in order to thrive. Houseplants are more than just immobile pets, though. An interesting study done in the 1970s concluded that people who had something to care for, a houseplant in this case, tended to be much happier and also enjoyed improved longevity and decreased stress.

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