Doing yoga isn't something that has to be taken super-seriously. After all, the holistic mind-body regimen is intended to be fun, in addition to being calming and healing. That said, it's important to recognize that yoga is a legitimate method for improving well-being, one that millions of Americans are trying every year.
Consider the numbers. According to a survey conducted by the Yoga Journal, 15.8 million adults already practice yoga. If you think that's a lot, then listen to this: another 18.3 million respondents said they were very or extremely interested in the soothing practice.
That's roughly one in 10 Americans who are into yoga as an exercise, a stress-relief mechanism or a way of life.
It's little wonder the figures are so high. After all, health experts are recommending yoga, tai chi and meditation more than ever before. A report appearing in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine found that 3 percent of Americans, or around 6.7 million people, have tried mind-body therapies like these based on the recommendation of a healthcare professional.
So how can you make yoga work for you? It depends on your lifestyle, physical health and interest in holistic wellness. But hey, if you've read this far, you're probably ready for some advice on using yoga-based exercises to your advantage.
Here are some tips:
1. Sign up for a class. Though plenty of videos and instruction manuals can be found online, it's best for beginners to try yoga at a local community center. Most major cities have Yoga studios and other popular venues where basic classes are always offered. Remember, yoga is all about reconnecting - with yourself, your peers and the world around you - so try stretching and meditating in a group. You'll be surprised how much the motivation of your peers can energize you!
2. Stick to simplicity. Some yoga regimens, especially those that are aerobic or high-intensity, make use of all sorts of ropes, mats, balls, trapezes (no joke, look up "antigravity yoga") and other equipment. These regimens are missing the point of the system, which is to, as Thoreau would say, "simplify, simplify." Try hewing to Yoga or any program that requires nothing more than a loose-fitted outfit and a smile.
3. Do yoga in many small sessions. Rather than doing yoga twice a week for three hours at a time, it is better to take it in bite-sized sessions. Consider doing yoga for 15 minutes twice a day every day.
4. Enjoy! Yoga is made to please you, so smile, throw your shoulders back, lift up your chin and let the healing begin
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