Victims of the migraine feel tender pain, generally positioned at one side of the head with nausea and sensitivity to sound and light. Some people may have visual effects like light flashes and blind spots.
According to a survey migraine headache affects about 30 million Americans in which the women are three times more than men. People cost $24 billion on the disease annually directly or indirectly. Almost sufferers cannot perform normally during migraine and some require bed rest.
There is no proper cure for this but migraines can be handling with medication and lifestyle alteration.
Clinical reports have listed few symptoms that help to define Migraines:
• Normal to sever pain at one side but can be on both sides.
• Head pain with hurting quality
• Pain get worse with physical work
• Pain that disturb your daily work
• Nausea and/or vomiting
• Sensitivity to light and sound.
Different types of treatments for migraines and methods to prevent them:
• Pain medications:
These consist of general products such as ibuprofen and aspirin.
• Preventive medications:
These include cardiovascular drugs, such as calcium-channel blockers and beta-blockers. some antidepressants, anti-seizure drugs, and Botox.
• Reduce the effects of estrogen:
If you're a woman with migraines and estrogen seems to trigger or make your headaches worse, avoid or reduce these medications. These medications include human growth hormone therapy and birth control pills.
• Nausea medications:
These include Reglan and Compazine.
• Avoid triggers:
Avoid definite foods if they have prompted migraines in the past. Establish regular sleep patterns and meal times.
• Quit smoking:
Smoking can enhance headaches or make is worse.
• Exercise regularly:
Regular exercise reduces tension and can help avoid migraines.
Hormonal headache is a type of migraine headache that typically upset women. Because of hormonal influences, women are liable to experience migraines three times much more often than their man equivalents. Migraines are more common in pregnant women and the best treatment for this is to balance hormone in the body with female hormone replacement therapy.