First question that came to our mind is what is whole food? Whole food are the food which are very close to natural, we can also say it like the food which is very less refined and processed. Food which is created by nature which contains countless benefits such as fiber, mineral, vitamins and antioxidants etc., usually which are ost in food processing. We get very few amount of useful benefits.
Whole food is better than processed food
This can be explained by examples easily. When the food is whole food it has lots of fibers, vitamins and minerals etc but once it processed it has less than before. For example, Whole food is an apple, once it is processed to apple juice it losses it’s fiber. And when it again highly processed it becomes apple-flavored fruit chew. We can take one more example, Whole food is baked potato, once it is processed to instant mashed potato it losses it’s benefits. And when it again highly processed it becomes French fries or potato chips which are very unhealthy.
Eating whole food not only keeps you healthy but it is less time consuming and convenient. For example, Pre chopped vegetables, fruits and nuts which are easy to eat and require no cooking. Salads, soups, stew are also good options to keep yourself healthy.
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